Monday, February 26, 2007

The Ultimate Hitch Hiker's Guide

  • The Ultimate Hitch Hiker's Guide: Five Complete Novels and One Story - Douglas Adams

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Founding Brothers

  • Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation - Joseph J. Ellis

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I love Joseph Ellis. He doesn't idolize or founders and avoid the negatives like some authors. The book talks about the Hamilton-Burr duel, the decision to place the nations capital on the Potomac, the congressional silence on slavery. Republicans verses Federalists, and the relationship between Adams and Jefferson. Ellis does a wonderful job of providing quotes and refering to source documents to provide background information and to discuss the events and their aftermath. He provides brief, but descriptive looks into different periods during the first fifty years of our nation. Each chapter is like a mini essay, which is a relief from the typical survey.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Communist Manifesto

  • The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

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I thought that this was something that I should read at some point in my life. Especially since I'm going to have to talk about it when teaching modern history. Plus, one should always read sorce documents when available. There are a few good quotes in the book and I see how it could appeal to the working class. However, I've also seen what life is like in Communist countries. In an ideal world some of the theories might work, but some people will always take advantage of others when given the opportunity which means that there will never truely be a classless society. The manipulation of the masses seems to be a favorite past time.

Monday, February 05, 2007

A Short History of Wales

  • A Short History of Wales: Welsh Life and Customs from Prehistoric Times to the Present Day

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This is a cute little book to introduce you to the Welsh people and their history. My grandparents brought it back from Wales for me last year. It's not extensive, but it's a good start for me to at least get a little background on the history of my ancestors. I have two other books on Wales that I'm looking forward to reading. I thought I'd start with the smaller survey before moving on.

The Decameron

  • The Decameron - Giovanni Boccaccio

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I FINALLY FINISHED IT! I started reading the first days of this book during college, but then put it down when life got busy. The stories are entertainering and you're bound to find a few that interest you at the very least. Common themes include theft, trickery, revenge, adultery, etc. You can read the story straight through or pick it up and randomly choose stories to read. I almost recommend that you do not read it like a normal book. Find a place in a park or sitting on your porch and just pick a day and story. Read 1 or a few and then wait till another day to continue. Don't try to read it all at once. Good luck!