Monday, April 30, 2007

The Judgement of Paris

  • The Judgement of Paris: The Revolutionary Decade that Gave the World Impressionism - Ross King

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This is a wonderful text. are most texts written by Ross King. I found the juxtaposition of Meissonier and Manet to be an effective way to show the atmosphere of the art world in Paris and the struggle over depicting the glories of the past or the daily events of their time. King compares the two artists like Leonard Shlain combines Art and Physics.

Not only did King portray the art world in the second half of the nineteenth century by discussing the artists, the salon, and the major patrons, but he did an excellent job of providing his readers with an idea of the social and political atmosphere of the times.

This is one of those books that you hate to finish because you become entralled in the era and the people involved. (It's even harder to finish when you've already read all of King's books and you have to wait for more).

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Greek Society

  • Greek Society - Frank J. Frost

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Overall it's a good book that gives you an overview of greek society, as well as a look into the life of certain characters in greek history (some famous, others not so much). Occassionaly I questioned it's organization, but the factual information is there.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Brave New World

  • A Brave New World -

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"Progress" isn't always progress. Social conditioning, genetic manipulation, mass "participation" so to speak... (wink wink). It's an interesting book that's worth reading. For some reason it reminds me of a mix of 1984, House of Stairs, and Lord of the Flies all in one book with a few added elements. Does anyone else see that?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Toa of Pooh

  • The Toa of Pooh - Benjamin Hoff

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This is a cute little book that's about Eastern Philosophies. However, it uses the context of Winnie the Pooh in order to educate you on Toaism, rather than the typical text. It's nice if you just want the basics or something to entertain you that's not to deep. If you're looking for more, then try a different book.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


  • Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaw

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This was a really good play. I had to read it since I have to teach it to others, but I'm really glad I did. There's something about the way Shaw builds the characters that I really liked. Eliza's not really likeable, but neither are a lot of the other characters in the book. However, the unlikability of the other characters was balanced by Pickering who was easy to like. Of course, I liked the crudeness of the other characters since it created an interesting dymanic. I think I liked it because of its differences.

"Making life means making trouble." -127

Bridge to Terabithia

  • Bridge to Terabithia - Katherine Paterson

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I never read this in elementary school. The 5th graders did while I was in 6th grade so I just missed it. I thought that since the movie was out I shoud read it before going to see it. It's a really good book that focusing on friendships and feeling accepted by others. I couldn't believe the ending since it was something 5th graders would read. It was a little heavy. But, in the end there's that moral lift when the main character "overcomes" and learns from prior events. I recommend it if you just need something small to get away from the text book reading.

Art and Physics

  • Art and Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time, and Light - Leonard Shlain

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There's a reason why Leonard Shlain is my favorite author. His books are informative and interesting. I tend to get bored reading about things I've already read about five times before, but Shlain manages to actually present the information in a unique way by juxtaposing it with something like physics. It's worth the read. I started in high school and got side tracked half way through so I started the book from the beginning since it's not exactly light reading. For once in my life I wasn't bored re-reading a book that's not The Agony and the Ecstasy.