- The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
Most people applaud this book as being amazing, as do I. The Kite Runner gives you a brief glimpse at the Russian and Taliban occupation of Afghanistan. (It's not the primary theme of the book, but a significant part of the book). I think it's so important because it shows people that not ever Afghan is pro Taliban, anti-America, etc. Not that I haven't understood that since the beginning, but I can't believe the amount of people out there that don't believe that Afghans are capable of independent thought and that they're all out to get "us." Well, they can think for themselves, and not everyone is pro violence. They've grown up in an era of violence and that's negatively influenced a lot of people, some just failed to cope with it properly.
Anyway, the basic plot is one that a lot of people can understand and I think it's both gut-wrenching and heart-warming at the same time. If you're not up for the read, watch the movie. I hear it's good too. Maybe I'll watch it someday. =)