Monday, January 15, 2007

Treasure Island

  • Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson
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It was fun and entertaining. I would have had more fun reading it when I was younger, but it was worth reading. I'd be a good car book or plane book (if the flight's not very long).

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Men To Match My Mountains

  • Men To Match My Mountains: The Monumental Saga of the Winning of America's Far West - Irving Stone

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Irving Stone is a wonderful writer. Men To Match My Mountains was filled with interesting stories of the west. Emphasising the settling of California, Nevada, and Colorado, Stone covers the Spanish occupation, exploration of the west, wagon trains, gold and silver booms, Mormon settlements, the war against polygamy, railroad monopolies, etc. Some stories are devastatingly sad, while others will have you laughing hysterically (especially circumstances that led to transcontinental railroad tickets dropping from $100 to $1). If you liked The Agony and the Ecstasy or Lust for Life you'll probably enjoy this one as well.

Monday, January 01, 2007

A Room With a View

  • A Room With a View - E.M. Forster

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I saw the movie back in high school and I've always planned to read the book, but didn't get to it until now. I'm partial to books that take place in Firenze so consider that before taking my opinion. =) I really enjoyed the book. I love the charater George Emerson. There's just something about him that intrests me. I also like Mr. Emerson, and Mrs. Lavish. It's pretty easy to guess the pesonality of the characters simply by their name in this book. Mr. Eager, Ms. Honeychurch, Mrs. Lavish, etc. There are times when I roll my eyes at the period gossip, but overall I like the conversations and Forsters writing style. It's short and can be read in a day so even if you don't like it you won't waste to much time and it's a classic that should be read no mattter what.

(Sigh) I long for a room with a view of il duomo.