Okay, I really haven't read very much recently. I've been watching movies like crazy, but I just haven't been reading because of work and ... honestly, I hadn't found much to interest me. I need suggestions.
Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer

This better not be it! I want more! There's a whole eternity left for Bella to get into trouble!
Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer

Still hooked! Much better.
New Moon - Stephanie Meyer

This is probably the worst of the series. It was a fun read and I really liked it, but it's a bit torn up plot wise because of the circumstances. I think she did the best she could but it feels like the book is a little jumbled. If I hadn't already been sucked in by Twilight I wouldn't have been as willing to read on.
Twilight - Stephanie Meyer

I can't believe I got addicted to this, but I did. It's worth reading. I got sucked in by her ability to develop the characters (something the movie was horrible at). It made me miss Washington and the beautiful scenery, but it also made me more aware of things around me. It reminded me to pay attention to every second I have with my husband and to take everything in about him. I know him really well, but it made want to learn even more.
Besides all that, it was entertertaining. She misuses the word decimate several times, but I'll get over it. It's the relationships in the book that will suck you in and make you want to read the whole series. Meyer juxtaposes her stories with those of other well known novels - book 2 being very Romeo and Julietish - the most obvious of the comparisons. I think this is something I'l reread.
War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy

Good story. Move doesn't do it justice. I loved it, but most of you probably won't.\\
The Best Book of Useless Infomation Ever

Not so useless. ;)
Journey to the Center of the Earth - Jules Verne

First time I ever thought a movie was better than a book. Kind of sad, but I probably would have liked it more if I had read it as a kid.
Medici Money: Banking, Metaphysics, and Art in Fifteenth Century Florence - Tim Parks

Worth reading if you have any interest in the Medici or the time period. I really enjoyed it.
The President's Lady: A Novel About Rachel and Andrew Jackson - Irving Stone

Same as all the other one's I've read by him. It's sweet, entertaining, and worth reading. Read the new one on Jackson afterward because it picks up where this one ends. It's convenient.
Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer
This better not be it! I want more! There's a whole eternity left for Bella to get into trouble!
Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer
Still hooked! Much better.
New Moon - Stephanie Meyer
This is probably the worst of the series. It was a fun read and I really liked it, but it's a bit torn up plot wise because of the circumstances. I think she did the best she could but it feels like the book is a little jumbled. If I hadn't already been sucked in by Twilight I wouldn't have been as willing to read on.
Twilight - Stephanie Meyer
I can't believe I got addicted to this, but I did. It's worth reading. I got sucked in by her ability to develop the characters (something the movie was horrible at). It made me miss Washington and the beautiful scenery, but it also made me more aware of things around me. It reminded me to pay attention to every second I have with my husband and to take everything in about him. I know him really well, but it made want to learn even more.
Besides all that, it was entertertaining. She misuses the word decimate several times, but I'll get over it. It's the relationships in the book that will suck you in and make you want to read the whole series. Meyer juxtaposes her stories with those of other well known novels - book 2 being very Romeo and Julietish - the most obvious of the comparisons. I think this is something I'l reread.
War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy
Good story. Move doesn't do it justice. I loved it, but most of you probably won't.\\
The Best Book of Useless Infomation Ever
Not so useless. ;)
Journey to the Center of the Earth - Jules Verne
First time I ever thought a movie was better than a book. Kind of sad, but I probably would have liked it more if I had read it as a kid.
Medici Money: Banking, Metaphysics, and Art in Fifteenth Century Florence - Tim Parks
Worth reading if you have any interest in the Medici or the time period. I really enjoyed it.
The President's Lady: A Novel About Rachel and Andrew Jackson - Irving Stone
Same as all the other one's I've read by him. It's sweet, entertaining, and worth reading. Read the new one on Jackson afterward because it picks up where this one ends. It's convenient.
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