Thursday, September 14, 2006


  • Baudolino - Umberto Eco

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Wow... I don't even know where to begin. I got more than I ever expected out of this book. I think it was a great choice to fulfill the goal that I set a few months ago (It's my 12th book). The main complaint that I hear about Umberto Eco is that The Name of the Rose started out to slowly, or that he's pedantic (which I happen to like). I think that this book will suprise those people. It starts out much faster and his love of details is integrated nicely thoughout the book so that they flow with the pace of the particular event.

The overall setting of the book is the Middle Ages during the Crusades. The main character, Baudolino, is closely associated with Frederick Barbarossa. Baudolino likes to tell lies and these lies lead to all kinds of adventures, the primary adventure being the search for the kingdom of Prester John in the East.

The story begins normally enough, but at some point you're thrust into Baudolino's (or Eco's) version of Middle Earth. Things start to get a little strange and reality is altered. There's adventures, debates, passion, ... it's just an interesting read. Plus, I think this book has the best last sentence I've read so far. Give it a try. The longer you stick with it the more involved you become.