Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Lies My Teacher Told Me

  • Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong - James W. Loewen

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I really enjoyed this book. Loewen studied 12 of the most common high school American History texts and then analyzed their historical accuracies and inaccuracies, as well as their omissions, tone, and audience. I noticed a huge difference between the history presented by my college profesors and the history that I had learned in K-12. I had always wondered why, and this book really talks about those differences and the reason why authors writing for high school students present more biases than those for college student (not to say that college texts aren't bias). He talks about Columbus, Thanksgiving, slavery, the Civil War, Civil Rights Movement, and other issues. Most of these chapters are really interesting and I think that most of you would enjoy reading them, even if it's just to stir up a little debate. =)