Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana

  • The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana - Umberto Eco

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I'm not sure about this one... There were moments that I loved and moments where I was just kind of reading just to get through. The main character has lost his episodic memory and must attempt to sort through the tangible things of his past. Sometime's it's really intersting sorting through the guys things, and other times I got a little bored. As I said before Umberto Eco's a little pedantic and this time it was harder to get through for me. Maybe it's because it's my third Eco book in a row, or maybe just because it's not taking place in the Middle Ages. Honestly, I'm not sure... I loved the beginning of the book and I loved the stories of this guys past as he starts remembering what's happened to him. Everything else I'm still debating on.