Monday, September 10, 2007

The Birth of Venus

  • The Birth of Venus - Sarah Dunant
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Okay, so I finished reading this on the 8th, but forgot to post it for some reason. I've been busy and my laptop isn't working properly so I guess I've just been a little side tracked. Anyway...
This was actually a very enjoyable book. I've put off reading it for so long because I thought it was just going to be some cheesy romance novel that tries to pretend to be historical fiction. While you can tell that the writing is somewhat for an audience of women, it's not solely. The book really describes the mental, physical, and spiritual struggle that overwhelmed so many Florentines during the days of Savonarola. It also shows the struggle of a woman to achieve intellectual freedom in a city that thrived on the intellectual male, but feared the same qualities in a female. This is a plane book. Something to read and relax without being incredibly complicated, but still based on something worth learning about. It has a Girl With a Pearl Earing vibe to it for those of you who have read the story or seen the movie.